07817 037304

Plaz Metaxu

<p>A visit to this fascinating garden in a Devon coombe, whose name translates as 'the place that is between'. Topographically, Plaz Metaxu lies between the sides of its little valley; metaphorically it occupies a series of mythological and philosophical spaces that are signalled throughout the garden by sculptures and visual references to the classics, art, psychology and poetry. Developed over some 30 years by the owner, Alasdair Forbes, Plaz Metaxu was for many years a well-kept secret, but in the last decade has attracted much admiration for its horticultural excellence and stimulated not a little debate over what it all means. Visitors can, of course, enjoy the garden for itself, but it's well worth looking at the Plaz Metaxu website for Alasdair's recommended reading. As he puts it,' A garden is inseparable from its legends.It needs, as well as walking, reading'.  </p> <p>Alasdair will give us an introductory talk when we arrive, and his assistant Cyril will take us round the garden and tell us about the planting.</p> <p>A delicious picnic lunch will be provided.</p> <p><em>11.00 am meet at Tiverton Parkway station. 3.30 pm Return to Tiverton Parkway. (Train times tbc). Travel to and from the garden is by coach. </em></p>